Sunday, September 11, 2011

No Communist party no new China. This is the New China?!!!!??!


We'll consider that 1989=present will be the "New China", or Deng Xiaopeng, a Goblin like Chairman.... declared that China was to move in a fundementally different direction, as he normalized discussions with Nixon, and began the limted economic reforms, with planned economies (yeah for Orcish ghettos, ie slums of shit pits).. such as building Szchenchen, border with Hong Kong, as a pet project, and central planning of these cities.

Since 1989 the Chinese have indeed grown quite prosperous, giant majestic cities of ironically gold and other trappings of a mercantile economy, (ie. Wealth, shunned by Mao), beautified and "refined" the Chinese, so that it hosted great world class events that showcased this renaissance. Such as Olympics where elderly were thrown out on the streets, Disneyland where marginalized families were thrown out to the streets, a wonderful happy place for children..... who suffer malnourishment, savage beatings, murder, rape, torture, or maimed from poisons. A great utopia of death.... We will explore exactly how many have died to bring just a minuscule 30% of 1/3 of the Chinese comfort. At the suffering of the other 70% or 2/3... We will examine how many people died.

These findings can also be corroborated with a quick search of the internet, videos that graphically and auditorically support the sad fact for many Chinese. 700 Million of them or MORE than twice the population of the United States of America. Here are how many Chinese have died in the NEW China......

Notes of Metheods. : judging from the sturctural engineering found in China it's safe to presume (unless there's is details to prove subjective that the State is at fault for "accidents", that the Reds are at fault, due to quick substandard construction, or corruption and graft (see, "Tofu" Engineering), if shoddy workman ship is implied it will be used, if it's proven it'll defiantly be used.

In addition, bombings and acts of terrorism are inspired acts of violence (although condemned the root cause was indeed the subhuman conditions caused by the CCP).

sketchy and very unscientific method of data finding and very very sloppy. BUT the statistics themselves are NOT made up. Or at least I hope they're not. Because of the ambiguous unscholastic and unempirical nature of Internet data mining, I'll try to keep the memorial as honestly sanitized as possible (omitting some juicy statistics, but not supporting the premise, that Red=Dead. , in regards to factor:

As close to the party as possible (drug dealers, and other violent felons, won't be recorded, UNLESS there is the remotly connected to the Underworld (in this context China), with many CCP members are allegedly members of. Some use the Wikipedia stats, and we all know how sketcky that is. For example, unless the crimes are a violent lash out at society, or by a person in charge (ie a teacher beating up a bunch of kids (in this case most likely a party member as s\he's an offical employee), or say a party member runs over a person multiple times,

Again in the case of murder, if it states. NO history of mental illness,or if it states, it won't be used. Unless the perpetrator was under alot EXTREME biblical epic of stress, ie, he was homeless had a family who were living in a moldy wet shack (typical shanghai dwelling), or was being harassed to be evicted or something. If there is a history of mental illness it'll definatly be added. Again the Reds control the meds.

In the case of extreme outbreak of violence and amuckery like say a bunch of villagers attack a police station, factory office, revenge for a bunch of sick kids in a hospital who died. then yes if it was justified and the wraith is targeting the state. Again, if the Reds were so peaceful and Mir would the be targeted like this?

Data from credible news outlets (perferably non tabloid ones, will be used, not Epoch news, and other Falun Dafa, Free Tibet, or democracy now kind of websites).


*** Note please take these statistics with a grain of salt*** Unless totally farfetched, the stastic will be implemented (for instance, a citizen going nuts with a knife is free will, however the society that inspired such fustrations, and acts of uprising terrorism (bombings), can hardly be held unaccountable. Take Japan or Korea with their Mega corps, very competitive, and high suicide society... you don't see as much outbreaks of violence do you?). Also harden criminals are added in Amesty international's stats for executions. Need I remind that these gangster are hardened criminal scum. Neverless, an execution is still an execution. (Canada has violent felons, as does England, yet they dont' have the death penalty), life is life. And the mythical Jesus forgives the most evilest of villians.

Also some figures I added links, or references, but I provided enough information in most of the statistics to do a double cross reference with the year place, and accident. usually).

Anyways, let's examin the DEATHS from this period of New China. With the omnious Tienanmen Square massacre. Or as the Reds call it the July "incident".Also acts of God, like Floods, UNLESS serious casulties were muredered from willful negligence, through economic policy, graft corruption etc . Also with unclear statistics. I will mark (est), or with a commentary. An example of unclear stats, would be. Smoking (because although the Reds don't have a gun to your head (lol) and force you to smoke, their state run near monopoly doesn't give them much incentive to enforce health standards).

-Also note, all facts and figures are "ALLEGED". DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH to cross reference. NEVER take my word for anything. This is not a politically correct double speak sanitized RESEARCH WORTHY resource. It's just an angry rant. But the figures do make you wonder right?

Example so an so source says (x number of people died that year of coal accidents, while not stating how many from negligence ("sometimes" privateers not working with Government authority)In big companies cases, it's known that companies are often funded by the Reds through state own production as per the tenents of Communism). (ie The 2008 earthquakes Will only mention 5600+ children).

Also, in cases of descripant numbers, we'll use the lowest, to give the Chinese government the benifit of the doubt, a value of democratic societies. After all, this is a critique on their non democratic policies. Also another rule, if a statistic claims x has died YEARLY (we'll only add that once, example. 400,000 die from aids yearly (we'll only add this number once). Perference for ABSOLUTE figures.

In addition, deaths related to China's economic and foreign policies will be included.


(Industrial deaths from 1989-present) 1,459,576

(Health”care” hell)3,281,000




Notable frequency: (If a location, or type of calamity occurs ALOT within say a few days, a few months, it's mentioned)

Companies: Foxcon Technologly group.

places: Jilin, Shanghai, Beijing, and Anhui, Guizhou,SHENZHEN, GUANGZHOU.

Disaster types: coal fires, building collapse, teachers going crazy with knives (stabbings), Building fires.


1989- present:

"New China"...

Miscelanious deaths during this period

(Healtcare deaths). 3,281,000 (as of a sept,2011 tabulation, number has increased!).

-(Smoking deaths continous).

673,000 (2005);

600,000 (1989);

(second hand smoke, non smokers).

42,000 women (2002),

*Although smoking is an individual choice, the Chinese government doesn't enforce smoking laws, also it once considered legislation for government employees to smoke a QUOTA of provincial smokes to boost up revenue through taxes, also keep in mind the main seller despite private enterprise IS THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT, who on the other hand is attempting to control this habit. Also Chinese tobbaco is 3 times more deadly than the strong Canadian ones.If the reds who CONTROL this product really wants to stop, surly they wouldn't add MORE toxins in right?

(more toxic smokes )(


68,000 AIDS, and presumably Hepitatus and other Blood borne STDS, (tainted blood of the 1990s, practice still rises), Scores more infected.

( A GOVERNMENTAL fuck up, however currently most "blood Pimps" and selling is illegal!, and the blood donations are "safer" and secure)

-1,148,000 (over a 4 year period, from 1995- 1999,)suicides,

- 287,000, suicides. (2011, each year statistic).

-150,000 (women suicides), (2006)

-360,000 Tuberculosis in 1990

-390,000 Infected from needles in 2004, all over rural China. (It' is not uncommon for the IV clinics to have people smoking in the sick bays also). Keep in mind drug abuse is also very rampant in rural and urban china. (honestly who can live here and be sober, after compiling this data, and the magnitude I feel as if I've taken hallucinogens, and my eyes are playing tricks on me).


-200,000 (2011), Improper knowledge of anti medication lack of precautionary education measures, bribes and medical corruption.

1.8 Million children were made deaf from these meds as well.

Building the "New China" (industrial FUBARS)= 1,459,576

-11,047 (2001)

-14,924 (2002) Industrials

-136,340 (2003) accidents)

-6,027 (2004) Coal miners.

-400,000 (2004)(work place illnesses) (chapter 1 page 5 of report)

127,000 industrial deaths, (2005).

-656,000 (dirty coal, and unstandard facilities) in 2007

-95,600 polluted water 2007, polluted water

-12,638 (1993-1998) Fires!


Isolated instances: Death according to year (eras are labeled occasionally). (Deaths by decade) 90's: (2,800). 2000's: 496,223.

1989- “New China”

1983-1989: (Strike Hard Excutions) 24,000 (although "victims" were murderous criminals, it was a massacre purge), one of many purges in the future.

-200 (confirmed, Chinese sources, mayor of Beijing, Chen Xitong-7000 (NATO). (wikipedia, Tianmen square article, using reliable statistics (186, deriving from a list from Tianenmen Mothers' , an advocacy group (often perscuted).,9171,970278,00.html





128 – Xiamen Airlines Flight 8301 (Guangzhou, China, 1990, Desparte moron hijacks plane)


147 – coal mine (Sanjiaohe, Hongdong, Shanxi, China, April 21, 1991


141 – China Southern Airlines Flight 3943 (Guilin, China) (24 November 1992, cheap repairs)

1993- (Shenzhen baby dragon wakes from her 20 year slumber, ready to engulf China and the world in a fiery inferno if fire, translation: The flag ship centrally planned city begins it's debutante of death, (check out Foxconn! and subsequent years Shenzhen will pop up ALOT)


-79 The Linxi, in Tangshan Hubei, caught on fire, (substandard facilities, untrained welders).

-81 Toy factory in Kuiyong, Shenzhen, locked doors fire, cheap bosses who can't stand losing 5 fucking cents per toy.

-61 Fuzhou, Clothing factory fire.

-70 Shenzhen, a CHAIN REACTION of factory explosions!!!! just like on sim city. (unsafe factory starndards originating from an ARMY OWNED factory, and thus authorities are lax on army factories).



93-Zuhai, clothing factory

234- Fuxin, Nightclub fire

324- Karamay, Karamay theater fire, little children incinerated, while watching a childrens' show.

264 – China Airlines Flight 140 (Nagoya, 1994) (stupid inexperienced idiots flying a plane!)

160 – China Northwest Airlines flight 2303 (Near Xian, China, 6 June 1994, lazy repair men!)

52 – Hengyang railroad station stampede disaster, during Lunar New Year holidays of final day, Hengyang, Hunan, China, February 14, 1994


6- Shuttle launch snafu

1- Jilin, Gunman enters school and shoots a bunch of kids.

30- Anshan, Hotel catchs fire


91 – coal mine (Dongcun, Datong, Shanxi, China, 27 November 1996)

29 – Under constructing Baikong bridge collapsed, Ruyuan, Shaoguan, Guandong bridge.


89 – coal mine (Xingsheng, Pingdingshan, Henan, China, March 11, 1997)

60 – coal mine (Beilongfeng, Fushun, Liaoning, China, May 28, 1997)

35 – China Southern Airlines Flight 3456 (Shenzhen, China) (8 May 1997)

127 – Rongjiawan trains disaster, (Hunan, China, 1997)

6- launch of Intelsat 708, (same problem as the same shuttle launch in 1995! but lands in a village, lots other injured) (wikipedia article Intelsat 708)

1998 (Case Zero of student stabbings by teachers by 2000's outbreaks like this)


202 – China Airlines Flight 676 (Taipei, 1998) (poor judgement, inexperienced, pilots bribed exams etc).

2- Ex soldier, stabs a bunch of kids (note this was the second stabbin

2-Henan, teacher goes crazy stabs kids (CASE ZERO! the first of MANY, student stabbings).



61 - China Southwest Airlines Flight 4509, (Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China, 24 February 1999, wrong lug nuts!)




311-Luoyang, Dongdu Building, CHRISTMAS!!! mostly teenagers at the Dongdu night club, careless workers caused a fire, teenagers trapped.

162 – coal mine ,Muchonggou

11-Shenzhen building collapse

8- Xiamen, factory fire


92 – coal mine (Gangzi, Xuzhou, Jiangsu, China, July 22, 2001

31-Coal mine (Heilongjiang)

12- Wenzhou, (a factory that was ordered to stop operating, dorm collapse)


21 school children in dark hallway accident (faulty planning)

349- SARS (Guandong)

124 – coal mine (Chengzihe, Jixi, Heilongjiang, China, 20 June 2002

225 – China Airlines Flight 611 (Penghu Islands, 2002) (cheap repairs,

128 – Air China Flight 129 (Busan, South Korea, 2002, stupid pilot)

112 – China Northern Airlines Flight 6136 (Dalian, China, 2002, suicidal passenger bringing get this GASOLINE onto a plane! Honestly there is something literally in the water (another post another rant I guess.)


86 – coal mine (Luling coal mine, Hefei, Anhui, China, 13 May 2003

234 – PetroChina Chuandongbei natural gas field explosion, Guoqiao, Kai County, Chongqing, China, 2003

10 (2003-2008) officially 10 people died building the Birds' Nest Stadium, allegedly more.

243-Natural Gas spewing everywhere in Chongqing

39-Tailing, Liaoning, Fireworks explosion (38 if you include the corrupt boss) corruption, fake ids, bribes, unsafe etc. Operated factory 3 times (all shut down! ), what a fucking way to celebrate New Years?

2004 (the coal mine and iron mine with in 6 DAYS, and toxic chemicals in the SAME PLACE (Chongqing) and Child stabbings You know that "Sharp minds" was just a figure of speech right?

9- Clorine plant in Chongqing sprays fumes everywhere. (Cheap unmaintained obsolete equipment)

166 – coal mine (Chenjiashan, Tongchuan, Shaanxi, China, 28 November 2004

148 – coal mine (Daping, Tongchuan[disambiguation needed], Henan, China, 20 October 2004

55 – China Eastern Airlines Flight 5210 Baotou, Inner Mongolia, China, (2004, Morons forgetting to preform saftey matinance checks (ice on wing)

60 – Shahe iron mine caught fire, Hebei, China, November 22, 2004

42-Air Henan plane accident

53-Jilin, market catches fire.

9-Beijing, Groundskeeper goes crazy with a knife on school kids (stabbings occurred with in 4 months)

8- Ruzhou, nutty nut goes crazy with a knife in a dormatory...

4-Linwu County, Teacher goes nutty and kills students with knife.

31-Guangxi, Qinzhou, Fireworks explosion

1- Beijing, Guangyi, care taker goes crazy AGAIN with yep yep! a knife

2005 LOTS coal fires in just one year! Introduction of the execution van!

2- Young girls trapped in a room allegedly survive accidental suffocation from a coal stove, allegedly buried alive, BEIXINZHUANG

59 – coal mine (Xishui mine, Shanxi province, China, 20 March 2005)

83 – coal mine (Shenlong, Fukang, Xinjiang Uygur, China, 13 July 2005)

214 – coal mine (Sunjiawan, Fuxin, Liaoning, China, 15 February 2005),-hundreds-injured-14552.html

5-Baicheng, coal mine fire oct 1

10-Longtan, coal mine accident (same day as Baicheng)oct 1

34-Henan, coal mine fire. (with in a day of Longtan and Bai Cheng!!!), oct.3

5- Jilin, Chemical plant blows up contaminates the Songhua river also.

171 – coal mine (Dongfeng, Qitaihe, Heilongjiang, China, 27 November 2005

123 – coal mine (Daxing, Xingning, Guangdong, China, 6 August 2005)

18-HARBIN, coal Mine explosion, CORRPUTION CORRUPTION. This one is total CPP this time. Saftey Official, party members arn't allowed to run side business (AHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH ha ha ha ha), party member ran a illegal side business, and listed it as a government controled mine, with lots of saftey issues.

1,770- Executions (introduction of mobile "execution mobiles" a nazi gas wagon.

386,645- Exposure to workplace chemicals (2005, data compiled).

12- Malnourishment fake Milk powder.


6-Students trampled in school hallway (faulty design)

24 – Nanshan Colliery disaster (Shanxi Province, China, 13 November 2006) (wikipedia article:

8000- Executed (Amnesty International citing alleged credible sources)

9- Suqian, contaminated medication

11- Law breaking government official illegally stores TNT (Hazardous material), in his home, Laogaochuan village.


181 – coal mine with flooding (Huayuan[disambiguation needed], Xintai, Shandong, China, August 17, 2007)

105 – coal mine (Ruizhiyuan, Linfen, Shanxi, China, 5 December 2007)\

60- Underconstructing Tuojiang bridge collapsed in Fenghuang, Hunan, China on August 13, 2007. (shitty construction)

2- (Foxcon, Apple makers), suicide

2- Bully students, fatally stabbed for extorting money from a student. Maoming, Guangdong, the self defending student paid his quota, and consulted with his teacher. The Teacner did nothing to help, (nor contacted the police).

32-Qinghe Special Steel Corp (Laioning), burnt to death

19,000- (3000 University aged 16,000 Children), accidents...

1-Hengyang, man throws a bunch of kids out a window, (mental illness).

1-Huiyuan,safety inspector, reporting on the safety of coal mines.


2008 ( China wins GOLD in death!) Olympic year.....


70- Zibo, trainwreck (undertrained drivers), shortly before the games. one of them was going to a city where one of the venues was going to be Tsingdao

18-Anqui, Trainwreck, a few months before the Zibo disaster

3- Sanlu Tainted Melamine milk (COUNTLESS (tens of thousands)OTHERS SCREWED UP ORGANS, ie kidneys for life),

20- Tibetans killed NGABA PROTESTS

20- Chinese soldiers killed by Ugyhr separatists, August.

-1718 (2008), Excutions (anmesty international) (374, of them during the OLYMPICS! 10 points for a swan dive after shot? Fuckers!)

16 – coal mine (Ningxia Hui, China, 16 October 2008)

254 – Illegal Tashan mine collapsed with mud-rock flow at Xiangfen, Linfen, Shanxi, China (September 2008)

17 – Ganglu Iron and Steel Co Ltd., gas leak (Hebei, China, December 24, 2008)

8-Shaanxi, Infants infected with primitive sanitation standards.

-69,197 (of this 5600+ School Children (in cheap schools without rebar enforcement, Tofu) buildings, It is possible for the Wenchuan Earthquake to have been caused by man, the 3 Gorges dam project, and the multiple hydrodams when engineering has not painstakingly been considered for "progress" and expediency.

42- Anhui outbreak Case zero, of Hand-Foot-Mouth, disease. (spreading to other parts in China. You know that saying "Foot in mouth?" It's just an expression for Silliness; China.... They didn't mean you should do it literally lol. (under reported as it was the months leading up to the games). Also to note, that this the orgins of this pandemic.

7-Yang Jia, a mentally ill unemployed young man was savagely beaten for no reason, except riding a bicycle, when his attempts at justice failed. (big surprise), he attacked a police station. (he is one of the Olympic murders). 6 (police) and Jia, executed. Yang Jia is honoured by many Chinese youths.

4- young Business students, jumped to death in their dorm of Shanghai business school caught fire, when simple safteys could have prevented (such as a sprinkle or fire hose on the floor).

1- A month after the world saw the beautiful olympics. 6 Harbin police beat to death a 22 year old student waiting at a trainstation. He died of his murderous injuries in the cold of a Chinese autumn. (october), Lin Songling, was an Athlete. Ironic isn't it? This being the olympic year.

1- Swimmer in Beijing, swallows a mouth full of poo water at the Mao Mao municipal swimming pool. The fecal-urine concentration was over 80%


2009. Suffer the innocent children.... It is better for you to throw rope with a rock around your neck into the sea, says Jesus on Child murder!


(Est) 2600-(OFFICIAL statistics for miner accidents)

8-Iron Mine collapse,Yongding County

8-Children caught in a stairwell trampled. Xiangxiang

200- Genocidal ethnic riots between Hans and Uyghristanis (Xinnang)

1- Foxconn's brute beating of an employee over a, misplaced IPOD prototype! caused a suicide

30-Gas mine accident in Chongcing

29-Mass murder suicide on a bus. Chengdu (economic stress, hardships, faulty emergency escapes, senor abuse, (family refuses to provide for an aging worker who has lost everything).

2- A riot of ethnic discrimiation between migrant workers, Uyghirs and Hans)

85- Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease (35 of them Children across two provinces)

1- Woman stabs perverted Party official trying to rape her.Badong County (Deng the waitress IS THE ONCE SENT TO A MENTAL HOSPITAL). PS Communist China Fuck you

2- Security guard rape and murders a woman, he is sentenced to death.

11-Danyang Trail repair shop blows up from unsafe Aluminium Nitrate, improperly stored when the shop was a processing plant.

2-Mentally disabled woman kills two children, in Mazhan

-74 Taiyuan, mine explosion.

1-Mother of a 3 year old child murdered by violent femme employees of a hotel in Chengdu. OVER ONE FLOWER PEDAL. (Mental illness often not addressed in this Paradise for the people, the hotel settled 200,000 RMB, about 29,000 CND!!!!! Violence is not an uncommon solution over petty arguments, the Chinese LOVE to fight, this is a very statistically agreeable observeration).

1-Man hit by a drunk driving traffic cop in Guangzhou

5- worker dorm of a department store collapse Zhangping

17-Shijiazhuang building collapses

9-Zhuzhou, a bridge that was condemned collapses a few days before scheduled demolition,The bridge was still in use!!!!!

1- Deng Senshan, a young internet gamer teen, (WHO had alot of extracurricular and a healthy relationship with friends), and who used the last used the internet to organize and catalog FAMILY PHOTOS (a very boring and tedious and eye ball straining, and dull but necessary job, it's contemporary generations equviliant to putting the thousands of family photos into the album). He was sent to a brat camp for youths, in the SEARING heat of a Tropical southern oceanic (no air con), and made to run laps until he collapsed. His last act as a "free" person in China, was to rescue a middle aged woman from drowning. His last words "They're killing me they're killing me". The counsilors bribed officials to run this school (many illegitimate businesses flood China), the educators didn't even finish school! Like alot of Chinese, who are not granted the privilege for private schooling,, according to a Reader's Digest report.

1-Yao Jian, Hubei ,a young boy, died of kidney failure compounded with EXTREME heat exhaustion. (China has some of the worlds' most extreme nature), he was beaten to death because he collapsed, and the goons running the show though he was faking. (He died days after Deng Senshan, who died in similar circumstances),


2010 (The Year of "Falling down" (reference Micheal Douglas movie about a man who goes postal after a stressful day, start of protests and mass riots). Sucides at the apple factory. Cracks in the great seal of the People's Republic.


2-Zhengzhou, Stingy employer boss,Wu Xianmin saves 3 RMB (.44 USD), by stabbing two of his migrant workers in the neck.

4-, Zibo, crazy guy goes and slices 20 kids up, (economic pressures, mental illness untreated),

21-Aborted babies found in the Guangfu River!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK? I though that stereotype died out hundreds of years ago.

9-Guizhou, building accident, wall collapses on workers renovating a convention center.

1-Zhuzhou, man protesting eviction, sets himself on fire.

42 - Henan Airlines Flight 8387, Lindu Airport, China, 24 August 2010 (corruption, bribes, pilots had ZERO Experience, save playing videogames or something)

1 -Daliran Oil Spill (wikipedia Daliran oil spill)

8-Nanping, A former retired doctor (who has a history of mental illness!?!!?!? a doctor!?!?!!!) worker goes crazy with a knife. (economic stress inspired psychosis-fustrations).

9-A well to do butcher, slices 7 children, a parent, and a teacher up! (???!?!?!??! he was doing well in life so!?!?!?!)

10-Hanzhong, Man goes crazy with knife against children at a school, because of ongoing disputes about moving issues. He was the land lord.

1-Pizhou, villager death protesting eviction. Riot results. (Jan 12)

2-Xichang, deranged man attacks a grandma and her grandson.

24-Mild Earthquake damaging buildings. (fofu buildings)

32- Henan Mine Explosion

14-Suicides (IN ONE MONTH!!!!), Foxconn (the Apple factory), 18 (attempted, 4 crippled for life).

37-Crappy bridge collapses, Launchaun

13- Plastics factory explodes, Nanjing

2- Bombing of a Tax building, Changsha, Hunan

4-Tin mine's dam breaks. Xinyin (Zinjin mining)

28-Zinjin mine leaks acid into Ting river from copper mine.

17- Hubei, A drunk tractor driver runs people over just to get the one who quarrelled with him in a restraunt on his lunch break!

1500+- Gansu Landslides caused by the "perfect storm", that and over foresting erosion, ill planned hydroelectric dams also caused erosion.

7- Terrorist Bomb, Aksu,Xinnang

21- Colliery fire. Yuanyang (explosions from unsafe work place, explosives for illegal mining)

1- Self immolation protesting eviction, Yihaung

1- A drunk Commie Princeling son of Li Guang (deputy head of security) drove his girlfriend home drunk runs over students who were roller blading one dies.

1-A Commie little prince, "music" student hits a peasant woman on her bike, and stabs her to death (fearing she'd report him), Li Guang is not his father.

42- Shanghai building burns down, (Again Shoddy repair, unlicensed trades people working etc).november

1-Zhangjiang child victim of substandard healthcare

1-Villager run over by a steam roller's body resembles a cartoon, elected Village elder, held down by goon thugs, and run over by big tire of gravel truck. Qian Yunhui ofZhaiqiao Village.

40 died from Hand-foot-mouth disease

1- Qiu a young 16 year old girl who came to Hunan Fenghuang County, with her friends for a vacation. Leapt from her hotel, after drunk brutes two of them traffic cops molested her.

10-Anhui Building collapses

14-Xi'an building collapses, Substandard materials, quality. graft.

53-Unlicenced Welders (remember the Reds control practically ALL aspects of the economy), incinerate a Shanghai high rise.

19-Jilin, Mall, fire, (no safety checks, etc)

19-Zhaoyuan, gold mine unsafe facility.

600- Throughout China, tainted antibiotics, dramtatic reaction, (source: Chinese health stats).


2011 (RIOTS RIOTS and MORE RIOTS:Inner Monglia, Shanghai *3, Xintang, Jasmine Revolution (across China, Chozhou, etc etc etc. ) INSANITY! Also notice all the building collapses in June!!!!! Now that's what I call Fawtey towers!!!, Also the little children who suffocated and fried in a hot summer van operated by illegal day cares (bribes), 4 within days.


1-NANCHANG, Elderly Farmer, euthanizes his friend, who was suffering mental illness, (Way to go Chinese health care),

1- Linyi, Apr. 5, 2011 , is stabbed by a abortion official barging into his him, and beat his father.

1-Hubei, Party Member stabs himself. Xie Yexin, an anticorruption official, “stabs himself 11 times”. (august)

1-Zhuzhou, a man immolates himself to protest eviction.

1- August 26, Shanghai, Man dies in an operating room, he was abandoned when doctors fled a fire, died of smoke inhilation.

1- Shanghai, 8 wounded, a nanny goes crazy and stabs her kids. (august 25).

1-ZhouZhou (kid)., Wuliduo, talented young student hangs himself with his young pioneer scarf. He was forced to copy the entirety of his text book, as a punishment by some tiger mom like teacher. He was starving and under tremendous pains.

2-Huanbu County- Twin children murdered by mother (it's not uncommon for Chinese families to resort to such extreme stresses in rural china, such as mental or physical illnesses are under funded. However China seems to have money for nuclear battle ships, and massive banks interesting).

1-Farmer suicide-Shandong. After a series of heartbreaking setbacks, such as endemic plague (plagues are very common in this healthy utopia) destroying his livestock leaving him in dire peril for debts, his crops plummeted. All he wanted to do was send his daughter to school. (odd that China a educated utopia doesn't provide for children, well maybe for 5 stripe boy's diet).

1-Young Accountant-overwork-Shanghai, working 18 hours a day as a excel auditor, and working for very blacklisted companies according to Chinese laws. dies of exhaustion at the age of 25

1- young University student beaten by police or NO REASON, open coffin funeral indicates severe brusing on the youth 4th year scholar. Zhao Wei, severely beaten by fatso cops.

1- School boy ingests rat poison Xiao Nan (Little Nan), Lan San, fearful of a psychotic teacher (government employee, where does the CCP find these idiots?)

1- Inner Monglian man named Yan, ran over by a forklift deliberately, (

1- Tibetan Monk immolation protest (with police putting him out, and adding insult to injury by beating his charred body, he was 17-21).

5- Riots in Guangzhou (Xintang)

2-Labourer killed by truck driver (dilibratly), Inner Mongolia +1 (eventual execution of truck driver to placate rioting Mongolians).

25-Yinnan Earthquake (crappy buildings)

3- Fuzhou bombings (march), a man who was impoverished for 10 years, who tried EVERY recourse of CIVILIZED redress, resorts to terrorism.

4-Firework store blew up., Guangxi (shoddy safety)

3- Truckers (Shanghai Trucker strike)

3- Foxcon factory (apple factory), catches fire

3- Well what do you know.... Foxcon, AGAIN, sucides.

1-Shenzhen, Chen Long, a young bread winner of a rural Chinese family. Who gave his meagre salary to care for his infirm parents (thanks alot CCP), AND his grandparents, dies of over work working at Foxconn.

6 Heshan Electricity Generating Company, collapse, Guangxi, June

8-Fujian Iron mine collapse (illegal mine).

21-Uprising in Xinnang

*23-Hubei, a trucker making a deadline crashed into a bus parked illegally on a highway fast lane (stupidity regulations etc)

*41-Bus burning in ZHENGZHOU, over crowded safety regulations-corruption, and a nut on board setting the fire accidentally (presumably a cigarette).

* 32-BEIJING (Bullet train crash, although an "act of God", shoddy engineering, corruption, kick backs, bribes, women). (The Hubei bus, the Zengzhou bus, and the Beijing train, all happened in the SAME month).

-7 another riot in Xinnang, Kashgar (July 31, 2011)

-15 riot in Xinnang (July 14)

-4 Construction workers blow each up with Dynamite, after a dispute over a parking spot.(Longnan, July 28)

-3 Milk poison, Gansu, (similar to 2008's Sanlu milk scandal)

-3 Bomb maker in Bejing makes a bomb to support petitioners.(Aug 7)

-7 Teenagers drown in Hohot reservoir (although very foolish to swim in these areas) August 7

-6 Heilongjiang coal mine fire. July (30)

-20, Southern Xinjiang, ethnic beatings on Uyghurs.

-9, Guizhou, A building collapses (a shoddy sketchy building). June

- 9, building collapse Wuxi June

- 5 Anhui another building collapses, why am I not surprised June

-12 Jiangsu , Guess what and WHEN? ( yes that's right. Building collapse June).

-14 (3 of them children), warehouse dorm Wuhan catchs on fire.

-2, Wanning, bridge collapses.

-10 coal explosion in, Guizhou (August)

-19 Guizhou Liupanshui coal explosion (March, 2011).

-6 Qitaihe, mine owner covered up an accident (august 1, 2011).

-11 Hotan (august), food poisoning crisis, vinegar tainted with antifreeze. Hundreds more hospitalized


resources to data mine out: ( latest August 19,2011)

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